If given the opportunity, kids understand they can make a difference, and that is a powerful seed to plant for their future!
Growing Community Now provides gardening and nutritional education to Taos pre-K to high school students. We also manage the following projects;
Many Thanks to our Sponsor: The LOR Foundation
and Our Contributors: Cid's Grocery, Walmart, Randalls Lumber Ranch and Feed Store, and the Farmhouse Cafe
Sign up to hear from us about events.
Growing Community Now is a project of A.I.R.E., a non-profit tax exempt 501c3 organization. Checks or money orders can be made out to A.I.R.E.
Your support and contributions will help us to continue our mission of connecting children with nature.
Donations can be mailed to PO Box 3137 Taos, N.M. 87571