Isaac plows the field, prepping it to plant.
Furrows made and drip tape laid.
Our interns are weeding the field.
The Parr Field Garden began in 2014 as a collaborative effort between Enos Garcia Elementary School and Farmhouse School Lunch Program. The students are proud of their garden and so is the school; it's listed as one of the top five reasons to go to Enos Garcia Elementary!
The students in the After Care Program and Summer Enrichment have an opportunity to visit the Secret Garden at least once a week. They love the chance to grab a fresh snack from the garden.
Enos Garcia students at Parr Field getting the rows ready to plant in the spring. Students acquire skills as they learn to use the gardening tools.
Taos Pueblo Blue Corn and Sweet Corn are grown in the garden. Once the corn is harvested, students help to roast the corn in an on-site horno oven.
The Secret Garden was a parking lot until teacher Connie White saw a greater potential for it, She and her students turned it into a garden space featuring a dozen raised beds. The beds are home to perennial plants and annuals that the kids help to raise.
Students harvested the "fruits of their labor" at Parr Field. Older students at the school that have been apart of the gardening program since it's inception are feeling very capable about growing their own food.