The FarmHouse School Lunch Program serves 700 local, organic USDA meals daily to local youth. Farmhouse serves:
By eating local, not only are kids learning to make healthy choices but they are building the local farming network, supporting the local economy, reducing their carbon footprint, and saving the bees and butterflies!
Our mission: To re-establish the "food basket" of Taos by helping local farmers secure contracts through the local schools and restaurants while at the same time providing fresh and nutritious food for our students. We are helping to ensure the future of sustainable food in Taos Valley by working in local schools to teach students how to grow, harvest and prepare foods; knowing that once they get a taste of fresh, healthy food that they will make healthy food choices now and in the future.
How We Do It:
The kids are loving the kale, cabbage, and spinach not to mention the corn, carrots, and beans! They love to hand water the plants and even pulling the weeds! Connecting with the water and land establishes a lifelong ethic of stewardship. The response from students and staff at the schools we work in is a loud and resounding call for "More! - More garden time, cooking classes, and tasting events". Their enthusiasm is so great that we will definitely keep the kale and carrots coming!
Parr Field continues to produce yummy food and yield a terrific outdoor classroom space! More student gardens are on the way!
Students enjoy the chance to taste something new and often find that they like it too! Educational Tasting Events and Nutritional Cooking Classes give students the opportunity grow their taste buds and share learned skills at home.
Micah Roseberry has been an organic farmer and educator for over 25 years. Four years ago, while on a teaching assignment in Mexico, Micah saw that the future of food sovereignty, the health of the environment and the future of the children were deeply intertwined. After returning to the United States, she started the Farmhouse Café and Bakery as well as the Farmhouse School Lunch program with the intention of building a stronger local farming network that supports the bright potential of students by feeding them vital local foods.
Connie White has been an elementary school educator in Taos for the last 25 years. She has been instrumental in getting kids into gardens by helping to develop two school gardens at Enos Garcia Elementary School. She often acts as an advocate for both the children and the gardens. Her students through the years have fond memories of gardening with her and have developed a love of healthy natural food due to her efforts.
Nikki Cain has been a Waldorf kindergarten teacher, an elementary school art educator and a lifelong gardener. Working as a garden educator gives her the opportunity to focus on what she considers one of the most important aspects of life; working to insure that children have the opportunity to grow up to lead healthy lives in a clean and diverse environment.